Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hello lovely people! I am so thankful for...

5. making rainbow pompom creatures with my sweet girl (who is SLIGHTLY rainbow obsessed!)

6. lilacs hanging heavy with the scent of spring.

7. husbands who build garden boxes, that are already filling with good green things.

8. My amazing blog friend Janne from across the sea sending wonderful surprises! (how did it make it through the postal strike??) YAY!!

Making some little things back soon to show you! May your day be filled with delicious giggles and a heart full of joy! xoxox Tam


  1. Your lilacs are so beautiful! I love the scent o them, and want a garden full of them! So far I only have one white one...
    I´m so glad you liked my little package :-)

  2. Fun things! One can never have enough crafts for kids, wonderful aromas, generous Hubbys, gardens of possibilities and super exciting mail! Heehee :)

  3. That was so weird, I tried to post a comment and it said service unavailable. I love the colorful little caterpillars - so fun! Rebekka must have been so excited to make them. Can't wait to partake of of the yummy veggies in your garden boxes. I have started a list too!

  4. Hello, sweet girl!! I am really enjoying your 30 days of gratitude. What a great idea. Also, your photography amazes me! The photos are so beautiful. The owls are fab, too! I hope your summer is great.

  5. Look at those happy, happy strawbabies!!
