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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More Mindy!

So bunny Bekka is still pouting!
 I wanted to go to the carnival! I got dressed up and everything! Why do I have to stay home and do homework and clean my room? It's just not fair!
 Oh that sad face...ALMOST makes me change my mind.  Today we learned how Mindy paints her faces, so these were my first attempts. I really loved the process, who knew finger painting would be so incredibly fun and addictive! Well my 5 year old self, but I forgot I guess...
My face that turned into a moon.
 I am luna
floating, sighing through
the starry sky
inky and silent
except for...
my sisters
the aurora's
always singing
with voices
And of course, no foray back into childhood would be complete for me unless I included a unicorn. Every day from grade one and two, I would hop on my unicorn and ride her home after school. Sometimes she had wings, sometimes we just galloped with the wind rushing through our hair. Wouldn't that be the way to come home in style from the grocery store? Yeah, on second thought, I don't think she'd enjoy the undignified way the bags of lettuce and potatoes would bounce off her flanks...
Anyhooo, after laughing my head off about that visual, I'm off to make some more art. Hope you have a day filled with sparkling ideas and magical adventures into your imagination! xo Tam


  1. You are a harbinger of joy!! :-)

  2. Oh I just love them all! So much fun. I love the colors too, so vibrant just perfect.

  3. Bunny Bekka is so adorable, I want to be my seven year old self again. I love your little faces!

  4. tammy your art is so whimsical and magical!! I will have a fruity drink for you so wish you were meeting up with us too!!

  5. I made a comment but then I thought you may not know who from. Kepi is my other self and likes your work.
    Auntie Deb

  6. I have been blog hopping and it is amazing how many people are taking Mindy's class and posting their progress. Of course I really love yours the best and I want to see more .... Please sir, I want some more. (said with my very best Oliver accent!!!)
