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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Of Journals and Journeys

So I have been absent...for a good long time. My blog was making me mad, and because I am severely challenged in the tech department I just stared helplessly at the help emails and then gave up and ate some chocolate cake. So the problem isn't fixed(no one seems to be able to leave comments, and I can't leave comments on your blogs that I love either) but my dearest friend from Norway said she had one word for me... "GETBLOGGINGALREADY!!!" Well who can argue with that.LOL!
So here is a little journal I made today...I only got to keep it for about an hour, then it was promptly snatched up and away to a new owner who is going to take her to Turkey, and Ephesus etc! So it will have a much better life travelling and being loved. I did 7 signatures inside using a coptic stitch on watercolor paper.
I put the definition of journal in a book plate on the cover. I used antique lace and mother of pearl buttons I had on a 1930's baby dress.
A little J from a type writer key, and blue cotton velvet stitched to the cover fabric.
A little free motion stitched message on the back with a fabric heart.
And to make sure everything stays inside a gathered ribbon elastic band to snap around the whole book with a crochet flower, button and feather. There Janne! I did it!! I blogged already! hahaha! And if I knew how to do a link, her name would be highlighted, but instead I'll just say go check out her AMAZING blog at www.spindlemaker.com You will love her. So talented and fun, and man does she sure get stuff done. I will be back tomorrow with some artfest photos, and some pics of paintings I did before Artfest...promise. :op
May your day be FULL of Joy!


  1. Well, you managed to make a link to my site, now let´s see if I´ll manage posting a comment?
    The journal looks ever so lovely! Colors and textures superb. IT´s so delicate!
    Thank you for blogging about it ;-)

  2. are comments working? testing, testing, 1,2,3

  3. Love it!!! And happy that you are blogging! :)

  4. Tam, That is just beautiful, I see that you are getting right down to it!!!! good for you. Love Auntie Deb

  5. Yay! So happy the comments are working. I love this journal. It is really beautiful. Now off to read more- yay!!

  6. Tam, just looking at this post made me cry all over again. My mom loved the journal...your words "fly free" were divinely inspired and we all wrote blessing words inside for her. The little "j" was so personal and intimate somehow. Thank you, thank you for the way you allow the Creator to flow through you!
